Chest restriction: How can the motion of your chest create cramps?

Alexandra Leon

While running, your arms swing back and forth to help propel you forward. The farther and faster they move, the more momentum they produce. For an individual without injuries or compensation, each arm swing rotates your torso an equal distance on the axis of the spine. When injuries or compensations are present, this balance is broken.

Don't cramp your style

Alexandra Leon

For most of us, working out is hard enough! Finding the time, energy and motivation to head out, when you just feel like staying home and relaxing after a hard day of work, is a challenge. So when you finally get your act together and you're ready to start running...

Animal testing

Maggie Reyes

We call animal-tested any product (cosmetic, supplement, drug, or otherwise) that is used on animals to test the quality and efficacy of a product. This practice has been performed for years and has been considered one of the cruelest behaviors in the history of animal abuse.   China passed a...

Figuring out sunscreen protection

Shelagh McNally

A bit of sunshine is good for you. Our bodies are built to generate Vitamin D when basking in the sun. Too much of a good thing can be dangerous! Particularly since sunburns increase your risk of skin cancer. To get the best protection from your sunscreen, it’s important to understand...