The consequence of time: aging

Maggie Reyes

Aging is part of every living organism; it is a consequence of time. Despite messages in mainstream media, aging is not a disease but a life process that starts at birth. Everyone ages differently and how you age depends on genetics and lifestyle.   Human aging As we grow older, our body...

Superfoods for super health

Maggie Reyes

Superfoods are foods packed with high nutrient, which means they contain more vitamins, antioxidants, polyphenols, and minerals than other foods. These foods are especially satisfying and also provide a huge boost to daily energy. Superfoods can also strengthen the immune system and help to protect the body from certain diseases.

Improper Breathing Patterns: How Can It Create Cramps?

Alexandra Leon

Breathing normally is essential for our body to function optimally. Yet many of us have altered breathing pattern that affects how we perform in our daily lives. By breathing improperly, less oxygen is delivered to our system. Oxygen is a crucial element in energy production, without which, vital organs can’t function. When breathing improperly, your heart, digestive system and muscles are ALL working at a lowered capacity. It’s like walking around with a mask on your face all day!

Muscle cramping during exercise

Alexandra Leon

Muscle cramps are very common in sports and leisure activities. In fact, a lot of injuries are due to muscle cramps or spasms like 50% of back pain. Cramps are actually healthy: as they protect us from injury. One example is coming close to twisting an ankle, but ending up walking the next day with a sore calf. Your calf contracted to make sure the ligaments of your ankles weren’t injured. In a healthy muscle, this contraction will relax within the next 48hrs following trauma because its guarding mechanism isn’t needed anymore; the joint is now safe.